Custom Awards and Certificates
Great employee? Citizen of the Year? Is your child completing a project that deserves some recognition or an encouraging word?
Encourage your special person by presenting a professionally made certificate, suitable for framing and a place of honor.
And for home educators, check out the Character Quality awards, certificates and Homeschool diplomas, shown below.
Choose your customized text and allow us to set it with elegance on colored, white or parchment paper.
Custom Certificates and Awards can be just the thing to show your appreciation of a business or your recognition of a good employee.
Premier 8x10 frames are also available.
Homeschool Awards & Diplomas
For years, my mom would scour the Homeschooling magazines for awards and certificates that she could use to encourage us, her children, for our progress. She wanted something that would emphasize character building, as well as academic achievement. Over the years, my folks made up their own official awards for us, and the awards focused on a particular trait and character quality that they saw in each of us.
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
Give us a call and let us know what qualitites and achievements you want to recognize for your child, and we will work with you to word an appropriate award, with a memorable design.
Also available for Graduates: